Water Quality Reports

Consumer Confidence Reports

  • City of Flatonia Utility Department
    Utilities Director: Jack Pavlas
    625 W US Hwy 90, Flatonia, TX 78941

    City Hall Utility Office
    Utility Billing Secretary: Herminia Dale
    125 E. South Main St

    The City of Flatonia has a full-service utility department that builds, maintains and services:

    • the electrical grid;
    • the water and sewer distribution system, three water wells with arsenic filtration and treatment facilities, and the wastewater treatment plant;
    • the roads, alleys, and easements (except State Highway)
    • parks
    • the animal control facility

    The Utility Department is led by Director, Jack Pavlas, who supervises seven employees that perform all the functions of the department.  

    The Utility Billing Secretary is Herminia Dale. She handles all utility accounts, establishment of new service, discontinuation of service, and changes to service. She may be reached at City Hall, telephone number (361)865-3548 ext. 211.

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