Flatonia Police Department

The City of Flatonia's Police Department provides 24/7/365 patrol and service for the citizens of Flatonia.  For non-emergency calls or questions for the police department, please use the number above. 

The Police Department is dispatched for emergency calls by Fayette County Sheriff's Department Dispatchers.  If you are in need of an officer for a non emergency situation, call the Fayette County Sheriff Department non emergency phone number at 979-968-5856 to have a Flatonia officer dispatched to your location.

For any assistance where you need a police officer response to a scene, the officer must be dispatched by the Fayette County Sheriff's Department via the 911 Emergency System.  Call 911 for any Police or Fire Emergency.

Vacation Watch

If you are going on vacation, or will be away from home for a period of time, you may request that the Police Department monitor your home or business.  There are a number of methods to request this service, they are:
  1. Phone the City of Flatonia Police Department at 361-865-3337.  This is the preferred method so that the officer may take down the necessary information and place it immediately on the watch board in the Police Department.
  2. Fill out the application below and email to Chief Lee Dick at the Police Department.
  3. Call City Hall at 361-865-3548 and provide city staff with a completed application and City staff will forward to the Police Department for follow up. 

Vacation Watch form

  • City of Flatonia Police Department
    205 E South Main St.
    Flatonia, TX 78941

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