Oak Hill Cemetery North (old) has large shade trees and beautiful headstones and monuments. It's truly a place where family and friends can visit comfortably. In addition, there is a pavilion where visitors can sit in the shade and reflect, meditate and pray while visiting. The pavilion may not be reserved but is open to the public. A map is located under the pavilion (to be updated).
Many families purchased lots in the North cemetery but there are no longer any available. The Oak Hill Cemetery South has many lots available.
While many families purchased multiple lots in the past, anticipating family members being buried in the same area, sometimes those plans do not work out. Family members move, wish to buried elsewhere, or otherwise are distant or not interested in burial in a family lot. These unused spaces may make it appear there is availability but the ownership remains.
In addition, Texas law has specific language related to the rights of interment in a plot. The person shown as the grantee on the certificate of ownership of a lot (or space) is presumed to be the owner with the right of burial. If that person has a spouse, the spouse also has rights if they were married at the time of the owner's death, or some other instances. If both are deceased, the rights of burial go through a process of determining legal heirship. To avoid confusion and complicated issues, owners of multiple spaces or lots should consider the future legal issues surrounding who will be buried in the extra spaces when the owner is deceased. The information from the Texas Health and Safety Code is available here. The City of Flatonia must follow State law related to the ownership of cemetery plots and understands the emotional nature of burial. It is recommended that family members plan for and discuss when there are family plots involved.
While a fully updated map and list of gravesites is not available to the public at this time, you may contact the City Secretary for additional information by email, phone (361-865-
3548), or in person at City Hall 125 E. South Main Street.