Animal Control

Rules for Pets In Flatonia

  • It shall be unlawful to harbor, keep, or maintain any wild or exotic animals or poisonous reptiles within the city limits such as bats, skunks, coyotes, foxes, wolves, alligators, lions, tigers, leopards, monkeys, Gila monsters, rattlesnakes, cobra snakes, etc. (2001 Code, art. 2.700)
  • No person shall appear with a pet upon the public ways or within public places or upon the property of another, absent that person's consent, without some means for the removal of excrement; nor shall any person fail to remove any excrement deposited by such pet. This section shall not apply to a blind person while walking his or her guide dog.
  • There is hereby fixed and assessed as a police regulation for the protection of the public health an annual dog license fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in City Hall. Owners of dogs more than four (4) months of age kept in the city are required to have a city license annually that runs concurrently with the animal's rabies vaccination. The cost of a City license is $2.00
  • "Leash Law"
    - An owner of a dog in public must maintain control of the dog by leash, chain, cord or other suitable material attached to a collar or harness; or,
    - Be closely attended by the owner and under the complete control of the owner; or
    - Be restrained securely within an enclosure or fence.
  • Provisions for the keeping of dogs within the city limits.
    - All dogs within the city limits must be under the direct control of the owner or within an enclosure or fenced area.
    - All dogs must have access to water and adequate shelter from the elements at all times.
    - An owner may not leave a dog outside and unattended by use of a restraint that unreasonably limits the dog’s movement:
    - between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.;
    - within 500 feet of the premises of a school; or
    - in the case of extreme weather conditions, including conditions in which:
       - the actual or effective outdoor temperature is below 32 degrees Fahrenheit;
       - a heat advisory has been issued by a local or state authority or jurisdiction; or
       - a hurricane, tropical storm, or tornado warning has been issued for the jurisdiction by the National Weather Service.
  • A restraint unreasonably limits a dog’s movement if the restraint:
    - uses a collar that is pinch-type, prong-type, or choke-type or that is not properly fitted to the dog;
    - is a length shorter than the greater of:
       - five times the length of the dog, as measured from the tip of the dog’s nose to the base of the dog’s tail; or
       - 10 feet;
       - is in an unsafe condition; or
       - causes injury to the dog.