The City of Flatonia authorizes both mobile homes and manufactured homes (there is a difference) within the city limits with the following general rules.
Mobile homes (pre-June 15, 1976 construction) are NOT authorized to be brought into the City of Flatonia city limits for any reason unless transiting through on the roads system. Mobile homes that were already within the city limits prior to adoption of the City of Flatonia Code of Ordinances are grandfathered and may remain within the city limits. Any upgrades or changes to a mobile home require full compliance with the Code of Ordinances and generally means the removal and replacement with a manufactured home.
Manufactured homes (constructed after June 15, 1976 with a HUD stamp) are authorized within the city limits in either a city approved Mobile Home/Manufactured Home Park or on private property with the following rules:
1. Manufactured homes may be a single-wide inside a Mobile Home/Manufactured Home Park only (unless grandfathered by ordinance).
2. Manufactured homes on private property outside a Mobile Home/Manufactured Home Park are allowed in Medium Density Residential (R-2) zoned areas of the city only and shall have a minimum depth of 24' (double-wide).
3. All mobile homes and manufactured homes within the city limits are required to be skirted; no exceptions.
4. The use of a mobile home or manufactured home as a rental property within the city limits is prohibited by City Ordinance.
For questions on permitting, application, or general questions about mobile/manufactured homes in Flatonia, please contact Jennifer Schaffner at (361) 865-3548 or email here.